In a world engulfed by violence and corruption, it sometimes becomes very important to invoke a character in which a battered society can find ultimate solace or refuge. Each and every religion has it's brand of secular and fundamentalist forces. Same is the case with Islam.Muharram is a festival, which is closer to my heart than any other festival, even more than Eid. I have been born and brought up in a family, which has a great affinity with Imam Hussain and his cause. It has some sort of emotional attachment or appeal for each and every Muslim. The martyrdom of Imam Hussain bin Ali bin Abi Talib is a true and best example of non-violent resistance against a dictator or a tyrant or an unjust system where the poor are getting poorer day by day.The commemoration of Muharram in India has a historical importance with nearly people from all the major religions and castes taking part in the mourning to remember the sufferings of Imam Hussain against the most unjust and tyrant ruler in the history of Islam , Yazid bin Muawiyah.(61 AH, approx 20 oct 680 AD), at the banks of Euphrates.The sacrifice of Imam Hussain forever drew a line of demarcation between the truth and falsehood, good and evil, right and wrong and his death gave a new name and honour to victim hood. To die for a just and honest cause is better than to live under the rule of a tyrant like Yazid.Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti, a great sufi saint in 12th century praised about imam Hussain in the following quartet.Shah ast Hussain, Baadshaan ast Hussain
Deen ast Hussain, Deen panaah ast Hussain
Sar daad, na daad dast dar dast e Yazeed
Haqqa ke banaye La ilaah ast Hussain.( Hussain is the king, Indeed he is the king of kings
Hussain is deen and also the protector of deen
He gave his head but not his hand of allegiance in the hand of Yazid
Indeed he was the founder of the concept of one God.)The Holy Prophet every now and then insisted his Umma not to forget Hussain. This insistence of Prophet Mohammad shows that those who will forget Karbala and the Martyrdom of Hussain will cause trouble in his mission. The so called custodians of Islam or the radicals who are killing innocents in the name of Islam have forgotten Imam Hussain and the basic tenets of Islam just as the zealots who went on massacring thousands in Gujarat in the name of a peaceful religion like Hinduism forgot the tolerance taught by Lord Rama.It's most important today to tell the people about the sacrifice of Imam Hussain and his mission which will let them to realise that the people who every now and then commit the barbaric acts of terrorism and call themselves Muslims are just terrorists and the majority of world's Muslims think these acts as going against all the ideals and principles of Islam.Imam Hussain demarcated the truth from the falsehood forever when he said to the ambassador of Yazid ," A person like me would not give the oath of allegiance to a person like Yazid.", which means that the good or the truth cannot be bowed down by the falsehood or evil, no matter how powerful is the tyrant or the dictator.Imam fought the battle with Yazid on the spiritual plane, he opposed Yazid's might with his nobility of character, confronted power with powerlessness, met multitudes with want of material support and defied oppression with suffering and martyrdom.It has been more than 1400 years since the battle of Karbala was fought, but even after centuries is remembered with unmatchable enthusiasm.While I was in my hometown Muzaffarpur in Bihar on the 10th day of Muharram which is called Aashura, I got in touch with a police officer who was offering flowers at the Karbala there. On being asked the reason behind his attachment with Imam Hussain's cause he replied," Please do not think that remembering the sacrifice of Imam Hussain is a copyright of Muslims only. Imam Hussain's martyrdom has given voices to the voiceless. His sacrifice was the ultimate level of tolerance and non-violence in which after losing every one of his companions and his family members he stood firm on the path of righteousness. We remember him because he is worth remembering."In a sermon while proceeding towards Karbala Imam Hussain said to his followers," O' people The Prophet of Islam has said that if a person sees a tyrannical ruler transgressing against Allah and oppressing people, but does nothing by word or action to change the situation, then it will be just to God to place him where he deservingly belongs. Do you not see to what low level the affairs have come to…. Do you not observe that the truth has not adhered and falsehood has no limits? And as for me, I look upon death but a means of attaining martyrdom. I consider life among transgressors an agony and affliction."About 1200 years later Abraham Lincoln delivered a speech in which he said," To suffer in solace while they should protest makes cowards of men." These words of Abraham Lincoln reflect exactly what Imam said some 1200 years ago that oppressors and transgressors from the true path of justice would emerge all the time. If there remains no one on the earth to object over there transgressions that they will go unchecked. One should always point out to these tyrants of the right path of justice. This is the lesson we learn from Imam Hussain.Hussain was a spiritual superpower that is an icon not only for the Muslims but also for each and every person with whom injustice is being done in whatever form, no matter to which religion he belongs. Nearly each and every revolution of the world got inspiration from the martyrdom of Imam Hussein.The tragedy of Karbala took place some 1400 years back but Karbala has a universal appeal and in today's climate of violence, terrorism and communalism, it is more relevant than ever.The uprising of Imam Hussain and the tragedy of Karbala bring everlasting messages for the entire humanity. The movement of Imam Hussain is not confined to his times, but it is for all eras and places. Imam Hussain courted martyrdom in order to inspire mankind in the fight against injustice and exploitation.Some people doubt about the intention of Imam Hussain by claiming that Imam Hussain came to Karbala having wordly desires and think that Yazeed was the victor of Karbala In fact this thought is totally unwarranted. But it is Imam Hussain whose name and mission has remained immortal while great empires of Umayyad and Abbasid dynasty have vanished and mighty rulers reduced to dust. No wonder despite the passing of 1000 years the tragedy of Karbala lives on.While addressing the enemy in Karbala Imam said one of the most inspiring words ever been said, " If you do not have religion, at least be a free man in your life of this world." Because a free man can differentiate between the good and evil more easily than a biased one.The mission of Hussain did not and could not come to an end just by the martyrdom of 72 individuals, it's everlasting, acting as a catalyst in nearly every age , era and place. Today at the remotest corners of the globe the tragedy of Karbala is remembered.Muharram is not just for ten days and going back to business as usual. For a person who stands up to fight against the oppression, injustices and tyranny and terrorism , for him the place is Karbala, The month is Muharram and the day is Aashura. He is Imam Hussain and his opponent is Yazid. Muharram is not just for shias of for that matter Muslims but for each and every person who has the guts to stand against the injustices. The people who are maligning the name of a pious word like Jihad should try to understand the true form of Jihad practiced by Imam Hussain.The following couplet best describes the importance of Karbala and Imam Hussain.Jahan bhi maareka e khair o shar bapa hai Hussain..
Wahan hai mujib e har inquilaab teri zaat॥( Wherever there is a fight going on between the good and evil..O' Hussain!!!! You are the inspiration behind each and every revolution)Imam Hussain raised Islam to its purest form by not letting evils to distort, corrupt or insult and destroy a peaceful religion like Islam, a non violent resistance He taught us not to take life but sacrificing one's life in the path of truth and righteousness।
Syed HasanKazim
Salaam : Dr. Naseem Uz Zafar Baquari
Siwa e gham koii mausam sadabahar nahii
Hussein fataah ka meyaar hii badal daala
Jung haar gaye phir bhii haii ye haar nahii
naaz-o-naaz Khuda se wahii wahii wahii sajde
Kab Ahl e Baiit kii midhat kaa ajr mangtaa hu.n
Naseem merii ibaadat hai kaaro baar nahii
Siwa e gham koii mausam sadabahar nahii
Gham na ho to khushii ka bhi aitbar nahii
Gham na ho to khushii ka bhi aitbar nahii
Haii karbala mei.n ajab maut or hayat kii jung
maut dhoo.dti hai or nahe faraar nahii
Ali ki nasl kahaa।n jo naa maut se kheley
Wo chraagh kya jisey andhii ka intezaar nahii
sitam ke haath mei.n rashaa abhii se haii Asghar
abhii to sirf tabassum hai zulfeqar nahii
Ali ka waar to kya roktey par e Jibraeel
Magar adl se jo guzrey wo Ali war nahii
Ye kah ke palat aaya wo doobta sooraj
Khuda kaa haath hai bandey ka akhtiyaar nahii
Hussein fataah ka meyaar hii badal daala
Jung haar gaye phir bhii haii ye haar nahii
naaz-o-naaz Khuda se wahii wahii wahii sajde
Hussain too to hai khanjer bhii be-waqaar nahii
Sab ansuo.N kii sabiilei.n unhii kii pyaas ke naam
Kisii furaat ka pyaso.n ko intezaar nahii
Kab Ahl e Baiit kii midhat kaa ajr mangtaa hu.n
Naseem merii ibaadat hai kaaro baar nahii
posted by: Zaigham Murtaza
The university of Karbela and the lesson of Hussainiat
We are born revolutionaries and Karbela is our university. Some people ask why you people cry for an event that took place some 1400 year back. I must make some clarifications in this regard. Surly we people don’t cry for the offerings made by Hussein on the day of Ashoura to the Almighty. Neither, we people cry for the supreme Sacrifices made before the sunset in the battle field. Although some poets and Mullahs may talk in such a manner but the Holy blood that flow in our veins will always be inspired from Ashoura to be ransom on the noble cause of Humanity and Islam. We are proud of what Hussein did in Karbela and surely his Shiias will make such offerings till the Day of Judgment.
What we cry is not on the death but we cry for not being present there to offer our lives for the noble cause. We feel ashamed of treatment met to the Holy Harem by so called Muslims. A poet said “Ajab Mazaaq Hai Islam Ki Taqdeer Ke saath, Shabbir kA sir Kataa nara e Takbeer ke saath” (What an irony that Hussain was beheaded in the name of Allah). We cry for the poor of the disastrous eve after the battle. Those who may have ruled the state of Islam were deprived of the fundamental right of their life and dignity but also were made captive by the forces of tyrant kingdom.
There is no revolution better then Karbela in the history of mankind because we find no other example where death has been conquered with such a confidence with any lust or the motive for personal gain. We love Hussainiat because it inspires us to rise in the support of the suppressed without hesitation and without thinking about the outcome. We are the community which doesn’t believe in number game or the results. We believe in the justified means and the pious motives. We believe in the justice for all at any cost. So dear fellowmen rise in the name of Allah like Hussein and show the world that we are the real Muslims. We are the group that is not only religious but also possesses good character and moral conduct. We are the people who constitute the complete society and an ideal state. Karbela is calling us all to bring change to this world and to the entire system. Rise… because
“Every day is Ashoura and everywhere it’s Karbela”.
What we cry is not on the death but we cry for not being present there to offer our lives for the noble cause. We feel ashamed of treatment met to the Holy Harem by so called Muslims. A poet said “Ajab Mazaaq Hai Islam Ki Taqdeer Ke saath, Shabbir kA sir Kataa nara e Takbeer ke saath” (What an irony that Hussain was beheaded in the name of Allah). We cry for the poor of the disastrous eve after the battle. Those who may have ruled the state of Islam were deprived of the fundamental right of their life and dignity but also were made captive by the forces of tyrant kingdom.
There is no revolution better then Karbela in the history of mankind because we find no other example where death has been conquered with such a confidence with any lust or the motive for personal gain. We love Hussainiat because it inspires us to rise in the support of the suppressed without hesitation and without thinking about the outcome. We are the community which doesn’t believe in number game or the results. We believe in the justified means and the pious motives. We believe in the justice for all at any cost. So dear fellowmen rise in the name of Allah like Hussein and show the world that we are the real Muslims. We are the group that is not only religious but also possesses good character and moral conduct. We are the people who constitute the complete society and an ideal state. Karbela is calling us all to bring change to this world and to the entire system. Rise… because
“Every day is Ashoura and everywhere it’s Karbela”.
:-Zaigham Murtaza
Long live Hussainiat
On the 10th Muharram 61 Hijri, in the battle field of Karbala, Imam Hussain (A.S) made supreme sacrifice that has no comparison in the history of mankind. The champion of Human free will, the grandson of Holy Prophet (SWA), the noble Imam sacrifices his family, friends and overall his life to liberalize the human mind from the thorny entangles of tyranny and oppression.
Hussainiat teaches us to rise against every evil that ruins the human life and mentality. Hussainiat teaches us to own the set of high moral conduct. It is the school where we learn to live like just human beings.
It is human nature to suppress the poor when in power and to bow against suppression when in the weaker flanks. But the school of Hussainiat opposes both. His noble father the majestic Ali (A.S) used to say that, ‘Courageous is the one who make justice to the poor and never suppress humans when he hold all the means of power. Hussein redefined the thought. He said, ‘the most courageous is the one who sides the truth and justice even when he has the threat to his life with thousand spears towards his body. Ali taught us to be humble humanitarian and Hussein to be the revolutionary against injustice. These are what the basic pillars of the school of Hussainiat. Only he will join the flanks of Hussainiat on the Day of Judgment who posses knowledge, good moral conduct and excellent character. Hussainiat as the best stream of religious spirit embedded with the true sense of humanity will sustain till that day.
Hussainiat teaches us to rise against every evil that ruins the human life and mentality. Hussainiat teaches us to own the set of high moral conduct. It is the school where we learn to live like just human beings.
It is human nature to suppress the poor when in power and to bow against suppression when in the weaker flanks. But the school of Hussainiat opposes both. His noble father the majestic Ali (A.S) used to say that, ‘Courageous is the one who make justice to the poor and never suppress humans when he hold all the means of power. Hussein redefined the thought. He said, ‘the most courageous is the one who sides the truth and justice even when he has the threat to his life with thousand spears towards his body. Ali taught us to be humble humanitarian and Hussein to be the revolutionary against injustice. These are what the basic pillars of the school of Hussainiat. Only he will join the flanks of Hussainiat on the Day of Judgment who posses knowledge, good moral conduct and excellent character. Hussainiat as the best stream of religious spirit embedded with the true sense of humanity will sustain till that day.
:-zaigham murtaza
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