Learn, Remember and Propagate Hussainiat: Zaigham Murtaza

Almost every Muslim has the same problem regarding Karbala. He may be well aware about the events of the great Day of Ashura. Many of them commemorate the death of Holy Imam in high spirits but don’t follow the Hussainiat.
Actually the problem lies in those high spirits itself. None can be blame for it but our leadership i.e. clergy. Our orators have dumped the original message and it their highly spoken words about the Holy Imam have killed the Karbala. Imam Hussein was martyred some fourteen hundred years back but these traders of the Holy Blood are trying to kill the thought itself.
Imam Hussein (a.s) had once said, “I will get killed but not message. The world will see some day that from every drop of my blood a new revolution will take birth and take the world into its stride.” His words came true as the history witnessed the fall of the most organized and mightiest empire in the history of mankind i.e. the Umayyads. Who may have thought that day the fall of Umayyads, but they not only fell but their mighty empire turned to rumbles and ruins.
We have made the remembrance of the great sacrifice just a formality to b followed every year. Not many of us remember the great thought of which the Holy Imam was confident of, to kill the tyranny forever. Just gathering in Hussainias or Imam Bargahs, beating our chest isn’t enough. We need something more to claim ourselves the followers of the great Martyrs of Karbala.
I won’t oppose the traditional Azadari, because it is the primary school of Hussainiat. It is the place where learn our basics. But surely we should go ahead of it. It is our duty to teach our people the goals and objectives of Hussainiat. At least we should rise above the levels of elementary knowledge about Karbala that even the deadliest enemy of Hussainiat is aware of. We should teach our people the characters of our Great Martyrs individually. People must know their social, economic and political background. Unless they are aware of their status, they won’t feel the gravity of their sacrifice. So, dear followers of Hussainiat leave the clergy behind. They are the people who are often the discarded people of society or homes. The failures in academic and social life are often forced to pursue their education in Theology or religion, so we should not expect more from them. Although we have highly qualified Marijjah at higher level but at middle and lower level mostly are failures. Every Hussaini should educate himself to the highest possible level in his field of specialization along with the thought of Hussainiat. In the last I may only request my brethrens to live Hussainiat, to die for Hussainiat so that we may face our Holy Imam without any hesitation on the Day of Judgment.

Imam Ali bin Hussein ( Al Sajjad, Al Zain ul Abidin)

Imam Zaynul-Aabidin's (A.S) mother was captured as prisoners of war when Muslims had a war with the Persians. When she was brought into Medina, Imam Ali (A.S) spoke to her and she embraced Islam. She then married Imam Ali's 2nd Son, Imam-e-Husayn (A.S). She died months after giving birth to Imam (A.S). Imam (A.S) was only two years old when his grand father Ali (A.S)was martyred in the Mosque of Kufa. After that the whole family of the Prophet returned to live in Medina.For the next 10 years under Imam Hasan (A.S) and after the martyrdom of Imam Hasan(A.S) in 50 A.H., his father Imam Husayn (A.S) as the Imam, the young Ali was growing under their shadow and watching the working of Imamah without the worldly authority. People knew they were Al-e-Muhammad (S.A.W.) and followed them by their hearts but outwardly because of the fear of the Ummayyad ruler in Damascus, there was very little following of the Ahlul-Bayt (A.S) of the Prophet. In 60 A.H., Imam Hussein (A.S) left Medina for Makkah and then for Karbala, he was with him all the time.In Karbala all male children of Ali and Hussein (A.S) were killed except Ali ibnul-Hussein (A.S) who with providence became so ill that he was unable to participate in the jihad with his father and survived the massacre. His Imamah began on the time of Asr on 10th Muharram-al-Haram 61 A.H. He was taken captive by the armies of Yazid bin Mu'awiyah andYazid insulted him by saying that his father had wasted his life by not giving allegiance to him (Yazid). Imam (A.S) said that it was to save Islam that his father gave away his life.During the period of Imamah of Imam (A.S) in Madinah, one man asked the Imam where he had suffered the most hardships. Imam (A.S) replied, "Ash-Sham, Ash-Sham, Ash-Sham!" (In Sham).Imam Zaynul'Aabidin (A.S) lived 40 years after the tragedy of Karbala. He was the person who mourned for Imam Hussein (A.S) the longest. Imam Zaynul Aabidin (A.S) finally, was martyred by Walid-bin-Abdul-Malik, the grandson of Marwan-bin-Hakam. He was poisoned on 25th Muharram-al-Haram 95 A.H. His body was laid to rest in Jannatul-baqi' cemetery, Madinah, next to his uncle, Imam Hasan (A.S)

Source: Syed Raza Shabber "The story of Holy Kaaba and its' people".

ImamHussein : Brown

As a reminder, the blood-stained field of Karbala' where the grandson of the Apostle of God fell at length, tortured by thirst and surrounded by the bodies of his murdered kinsmen, has been at any time since then sufficient to evoke, even in the most lukewarm and heedless, the deepest emotion, the most frantic grief and the exaltation of spirit before which pain, danger, and death shrink to unconsidered trifles. Yearly, on the tenth day of Muharram, the tragedy is rehearsed in Persia, in India, in Turkey, in Egypt, wherever a Shiite community or colony exists; ... As I write it all comes back; the wailing chant, the sobbing multitudes, the white raiment red with blood from self-inflicted wounds, the intoxication of grief and sympathy.

Brown in his `A Literary History of Persia'

Imam Hussein's Prayer

* “O Allah! It is You in Whom I trust amid all grief. You are my hope amid all violence. you are my refuge and provision in everything that happens to me. How many grievances that weaken the heart, leaving me with no means to handle them, during which friend deserts me, and the enemy rejoices in it. I lay it before you and complain of it to You, because of my desire in You. You alone. You relieve me of it and remove it from me. You are the Master of all grace, the Possessor of all goodness, and Ultimate Resort of all desire.”

Imam Hussein

Defending Yazeed!!! Why?

I cannot understand why some people come forward to the rescue of a man like Yazeed. Recently I heard a story from one of my friend which cleared some of my thought in this regard.
A king was passing through a river mounted on a camel; suddenly camel turned to her kneels and sat down in the running waters. King was saved some how but he could found the reason behind the unusual behavior of his camel. When he made further enquiries he came to know that the mother to whom camel was born was an orphan. Soon after her birth she lost her mother and was brought up on the buffalo’s milk. Buffaloes have the tendency to sit in the water during summer and so did the camel. He was doing nothing wrong because in his veins run the blood of a camel with some imported genes of of a buffalo.
Yazeed and his descendants ruled over the Islamic kingdom for almost one hundred fifty years. Many of the people were employed under their tyrannical rule. It is said that the diet often transforms the human behavior. I can only say that the defenders of Yazeed are such people who are either infected with his blood or his bloody food.
Recently one of my friends defended Yazeed and said that he too was disturbed when he heard about the brutal murder of Imam Hussein (a.s). When I asked him; so why did he kept the Ahlul Baiit captive in his jails, he opposed me and denied the historical fact. Moreover he said that it may be a lie born among the Shiites. He had no answer when he was informed that the Daughter of Imam Hussein (a.s) still sleeps in one of such cell.
A whole stream is flowing around the world which comes everyday with new excuses to defend the tyrannical Satan.
Moreover these are the people who have nothing to do with Umayyads or Hashmiites. Many of these are neo-converts to Islam. Only one reason I could found is the camel-buffalo tale. Surely these people are brought up on the diet that is either illegal or belong to some tyrant. Otherwise these people have some blood of Yazeed in their body. Possibility cannot be denied because Yazeed and his family members were infamous for adultery and illegal sex relations with the women of their subjects.
There can be no excuse for a ruler. None of his employees should have dared to go an inch ahead of his order. Ibn Ziad was ordered to kill Imam Hussein. Shimr often claimed such to Ibn Ziad, Umar bin Saad etc. Moreover the atrocities met by the Ahlul Baiit on the way to Damascus and In the court of Yazeed require no further clarifications.
by: zaigham murtaza

Imam Hussein:The Sermon of Mina

O people, take lesson from the counsel God gave to His friends when He rebuked the rabbis by saying: "Why do the scholars and rabbis not forbid their sinful talk and consumption of what is unlawful ? Truly what they have done is evil." (5:63)
And God says: "Cursed by the tongue of David and Jesus, son of Mary are those among the Children of Israel who disbelieved on account of their rebellion and transgression. They did not prevent each other from committing vile and corrupt acts; surely what they did was abominable" (5:78-79).
God reproached them because they saw with their own eyes the oppressors committing vile and corrupt acts, but did not stop them, out of love for the favours they received from them as well as fear of persecution and injury. However, God says: "Fear not men, but fear Me." (5:44) And He says: "The believing men and women are friends and protectors to each other; they enjoin the good and forbid the evil; they perform the prayer, and pay the alms, and obey God and His messenger. Upon them God shall have mercy; God is Almighty, All-wise." (9:71)
God mentions the duty of enjoining the good and forbidding the evil (al- 'amr bi al-ma'ruf wa al-nahy 'an al-munkar) before all other duties, because He knows that if it is performed and is established in the society all other duties, the easy and the difficult, will also become established. The reason for this is that al-'amr bi al ma'ruf wa al-nahy 'an al-munkar means summoning people to Islam, as well as resistance against injustice, opposing and struggling against oppressors, and endeavoring to ensure that public wealth and income derived from war are distributed in accordance with the just laws of Islam, and that taxes are collected, levied and expended in due and proper form.
O scholars, who are celebrated and enjoy good repute on account of your learning! You have achieved a good name in society because of your good will. It is on account of God that men venerate you and stand in awe of you, so that even powerful fear you and the weak honour you, and those who are not subject to you and over whom you hold no authority grant you favours they deny themselves . When the people do not receive their due. they seek your intercession, and you walk in the street with the majesty of kings and princes.
Have you not earned all this respect and prestige because of the people's hopes that you will implement God's laws, even though in most instances you have failed to do so?
You have taken lightly your duties as leaders. You have neglected the rights of the oppressed and the lowly, but have assiduously pursued what you regard as your personal rights. You have not spent your money or risked your life for the sake of the One Who gave you life, nor have you fought against any group or tribe for the sake of God. Nevertheless, you desire - and regard it as your due - that He should grant you paradise, the company of the prophet, and security from chastisement in the hereafter. You have such expectations of God, I fear that the full weight of His wrath descend upon you, for although it is by His might and glory that you have achieved high rank, you show no respect to those who truly know god, while you yourselves enjoy respect among God's creatures on His account.
(I am also afraid for you for another reason:) you see the covenant enacted with God being violated and trampled under foot, yet you show no anxiety, when it comes to the covenants enacted with your fathers, you become greatly disturbed and anxious if they are only violated in part, but the pledges you have given to the most noble Messenger are a matter of complete indifference to you.
The blind, the dumb, and chronically ill everywhere lack protection in towns and no mercy is shown them. But you neither behave in accordance with your function and rank, nor you support or pay any regard to those who do. You purchase your safety from the oppressive ruling powers with flattery cajolery, and compromise.
All these activities have been forbidden you by God, and He has, more over, command you to forbid each other to engage in them, but you pay no attention.
The calamity that has befallen you is greater than what has befallen others, for true rank and degree of "Ulama" has been taken away from you. The administration of the country and the issuing of decrees and ordinances should actually be trusted to religious scholars who are guardians of God's ordinances concerning what is permitted and what is forbidden. But your position has been usurped from you, for no other reason than that you have abandoned the truth (al-haqq), and have disagreed about the nature of the sunnah, despite the existence of clear proofs.
Had you the forbearance to endure adversities and hardships for the sake of God, then all proposed regulations (God's affairs) would be brought to you for your approval and for you to issue; authority would lie in your hands. But you allowed the oppressors to take away your functions and God's affairs (i.e. government) to fall into their hands, so that they administer them by resorting to ambiguities and make arbitrariness and the satisfaction of lust their consistent practice. What enabled them to gain control of government was your fleeing in panic from (inevitable) death and your love of life, which shall in all certainty depart from you. As a consequence of that mentality, you have delivered the powerless masses into the clutches of the oppressors. While some cringe like slaves under the yoke of oppressors, and others have been reduced to destitution in regard to their livelihood, the rulers run the affairs of the government in accordance with their whims, earning ignominy and disgrace for themselves with their licentiousness, following evil counselors, and showing impudence toward God. One of their appointed spokesmen mounts the pulpit (minbar) in each city. The country is defenseless before them, and their hands grab freely whatever they want of it. The people are their slaves and are powerless to defend themselves. One of the governors is a dictator by nature, malevolent and rancorous; another represses to recognize either God or the Day of Resurrection! It is not strange - how can one think it strange, that society is the clutches of a cunning oppressor whose tax collectors are oppressors and whose governers feel no compassion or mercy towards the believers under rule.
It is God who will judge concerning what is dispute among us and deliver a decisive verdict concerning all that occurs among us.
O God! You know that everything we did was not prompted by rivalry for political power, nor for a search for wealth and abundance; rather it was done to demonstrate to men the shining principles and values of Your religion, to reform the affairs of Your land, to protect and secure the indisputable rights of Your oppressed servants, and to act in accordance with the duties You have established and the norms, laws, and ordinances You have decreed.
So (O scholars of religion!) You are to help us reach this goal, win back our rights from those powers who have considered it acceptable to wrong you and who have attempted to put out the light kindled by your Prophet. God suffices us, upon Him do we rely, to Him do we return, and to Him shall we return.

"Reforming Thought"


The Cause Behind Karbala

The Holy Prophet (SAWAW) said: "He who does amr-bil-ma'roof and nahya 'anil munkar is the vicegerent on the earth of Allah, His Prophet and His Book."
The sole cause for which Imam Hussain set out from Madinah was to perform his duty to do amr bil ma'ruf and nahya anil munkar to the ummah which had not only apathetically accepted the evil that had been flowing from the court in Damascus but, sadly, begun to emulate it. The inevitable consequence of this would have been a total destruction of all Islamic values.
In a letter which he addressed to the people of Kufa Imam wrote: "An Imam is one who judges by the Holy Qur'an, upholds justice, professes the religion of truth and dedicates himself to obeying Allah and His Prophet."
When Hur and his army stopped Imam caravan from going to Kufa, and Hur told Imam that his order from ibne Ziyad was to ask Imam for Bai'at to Yezid, Imam refused to declare Bai'at to someone who was only serving his own ends and not of Islam. Hur said that such an attitude might cost Imam his life. Imam replied: "Are you threatening me with death? Death is many thousands of times better than the dishonour of Bai'at to an enemy of Islam. Do you not see that truth is not being practised and falsehood is not being prevented? I see death as a blessing and life with tyrants as the most disgusting state one can be in."
At Kerbala, facing the army of Yezid, Imam Hussain addressed them as follows:"Remember that when you see a ruler who does what has been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, who indulges in sins, who oppresses the people he rules, and you do nothing to stop such a ruler, before Allah you are as guilty as he is." He went on to add:"My parents did not raise me to submit myself to an evil tyrant. I am your Imam and it is my duty to tell you that you have surrendered the freedom of your mind to the evil ways of Yezid. If you do not care for Islam, and do not fear the day of judgement, at least do care for that precious gift from Allah, the freedom of your spirit!!"
When Amr Sa'ad called upon the army to attack and kill
Imam Hussain he said:
"Death is better that disgrace and disgrace is better than the fire of hell."

Mulla Bashir Rahim,


Our 3rd Imam, Imam Hussein (as) was very kind and always thought about others before himself.
When Imam Hussein (as) was traveling to Karbala knowing what was going to happen to him and his family, he met Hurr - the commander of Yazid army and his soldiers. Imam Hussein (as) knew that this was the army sent by Yazid to fight Imam Hussein (as) and his followers.
This was the army that was going to stop Imam Hussein (as) and his followers from getting water. This was the army who was going to kill Imam Hussein (as) and his family and friends.
Although Imam Hussein (as) knew all this, when Imam Hussein (as) saw how thirst the army looked and that they had no water, Imam Hussein (as) immediately told his men to give their water to the army of Hurr.
Not only did Imam Hussein (as) and his men give water to the army but also to their horses.

Moral: No matter how horrible someone is to you, you should always be nice to them because that is what Allah has taught us


Utterly Grieved : Imam Shafei

The memory of Karbala grieves me most and when I recall the fact that Imam Hussein was mercilessly slaughtered despite his indisputable innocence, I sleep not a wink. Again the memory has turned mu beard hoary, and time and again. i have a sigh with tears coursing down my lean cheeks. My salutations to Hazrat Imam Hussein (A.S)

posted by: zaigham murtaza

Tragedy of Muharram : Ethel M. Pope

To save Islam's great laws
All the memory of martyrdom
A new the passion rise;
A bitter, sobbing, wailing cry,
Goes up into the skies;
With each new year the latent grief,
Pent up, breaks out again,
And heaven returns the impassioned cry
Hussein, Hussein, Hussein

as quoted in book "Imam Hussain" The leader of entire Humanity

posted by: zaigham murtaza