Imam Ali bin Hussein ( Al Sajjad, Al Zain ul Abidin)

Imam Zaynul-Aabidin's (A.S) mother was captured as prisoners of war when Muslims had a war with the Persians. When she was brought into Medina, Imam Ali (A.S) spoke to her and she embraced Islam. She then married Imam Ali's 2nd Son, Imam-e-Husayn (A.S). She died months after giving birth to Imam (A.S). Imam (A.S) was only two years old when his grand father Ali (A.S)was martyred in the Mosque of Kufa. After that the whole family of the Prophet returned to live in Medina.For the next 10 years under Imam Hasan (A.S) and after the martyrdom of Imam Hasan(A.S) in 50 A.H., his father Imam Husayn (A.S) as the Imam, the young Ali was growing under their shadow and watching the working of Imamah without the worldly authority. People knew they were Al-e-Muhammad (S.A.W.) and followed them by their hearts but outwardly because of the fear of the Ummayyad ruler in Damascus, there was very little following of the Ahlul-Bayt (A.S) of the Prophet. In 60 A.H., Imam Hussein (A.S) left Medina for Makkah and then for Karbala, he was with him all the time.In Karbala all male children of Ali and Hussein (A.S) were killed except Ali ibnul-Hussein (A.S) who with providence became so ill that he was unable to participate in the jihad with his father and survived the massacre. His Imamah began on the time of Asr on 10th Muharram-al-Haram 61 A.H. He was taken captive by the armies of Yazid bin Mu'awiyah andYazid insulted him by saying that his father had wasted his life by not giving allegiance to him (Yazid). Imam (A.S) said that it was to save Islam that his father gave away his life.During the period of Imamah of Imam (A.S) in Madinah, one man asked the Imam where he had suffered the most hardships. Imam (A.S) replied, "Ash-Sham, Ash-Sham, Ash-Sham!" (In Sham).Imam Zaynul'Aabidin (A.S) lived 40 years after the tragedy of Karbala. He was the person who mourned for Imam Hussein (A.S) the longest. Imam Zaynul Aabidin (A.S) finally, was martyred by Walid-bin-Abdul-Malik, the grandson of Marwan-bin-Hakam. He was poisoned on 25th Muharram-al-Haram 95 A.H. His body was laid to rest in Jannatul-baqi' cemetery, Madinah, next to his uncle, Imam Hasan (A.S)

Source: Syed Raza Shabber "The story of Holy Kaaba and its' people".

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