Defending Hussainiat: Hazrat Zainab in the court of yazeed

When they reached the outskirts of Damascus they were made to halt. Yazid was informed of their arrival and he fixed a date for their entry into the city. On the morning of the appointed day, the members of the family of the Holy Prophet [s.a.w.] were led into Damascus. They were tied with ropes and herded together like goats. If anyone stumbled she was whipped. The city streets had been decorated and the sound of music filled the air. People came out in throngs wearing festive clothes and rejoiced when they saw the procession, preceded as always by the heads of the martyrs.

Bearing themselves with dignity and self-respect, the prisoners were paraded through Damascus. Zaynab [a.s.] even cast aside the offerings of food that some of them out of compassion offered them. The son of an enemy of the Prophet [s.a.w.] who had waged war with Imam Ali [a.s.] was among the crowds.

When he saw Imam Zayn ul-Abidin [a.s.] he jeeringly asked him who was now victorious. In reply the Imam said: "If you wish to find out who has been victorious, do so when it is time for prayer and the Adhan and Iqamat are recited." In this manner the captives were paraded until the afternoon when they reached the palace of Yazid. There he was seated on his throne and was much pleased when he saw the forty-four bound captives arrive. The head of Husayn was then brought to him on a golden tray. He struck the Imam's teeth with his stick and said:

"O Husayn! You have paid the price of your revolt." When Zaynab [a.s.] and her companions saw this show of arrogance they burst into tears and there were many present who were ashamed. But Yazid carried on gloating over his victory.

He said to his subjects:

"My ancestors who were killed at Badr have been avenged today. Now it is clear that the Bani Hashim had just staged a play to gain power and there was never any divine revelation."

Zaynab [a.s.] however was not afraid. She drew herself up and boldly said for all to hear:

"Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds and blessings on my grandfather, the Chief of divine prophets."

"O Yazid, Allah says, and his word is true, that: 'Then evil was the end of those who did evil because they rejected the communications of Allah and used to mock them' [30:10]." "O Yazid, do you believe that you have succeeded in closing the sky and the earth for us and that we have become your captives just because we have been brought before you in a row and that you have secured control over us? Do you believe that we have been afflicted with insult and dishonour by Allah and that you have been given honour and respect by Him? You have become boastful of this apparent victory that you have secured and you have started feeling jubilant and proud over this prestige and honour. You think that you have achieved worldly good, that your affairs have become stabilised and our rule has fallen into your hands. Wait for a while. Do not be so joyful. Have you forgotten Allah's saying: 'The unbelievers should not carry the impression that the time allowed to them by us is good for them. Surely we give them time so that they may increase their evil deeds, and eventually they will be given insulting chastisement' [3:178]."

"O son of freed slaves, is this your justice that you keep your own daughters and slave maids veiled while the daughters of the Prophet of Allah are being paraded from place to place exposed."

"You have dishonoured us by unveiling our faces. Your men take us from town to town where all sorts of people, whether they be residents of the hills or of riversides have been looking at us."

"The near as well as the remote ones, the poor as well as the rich, the low as well as the high - all casting their glances at us while our position is such that there is no male relative of ours to render us help or support."

"O Yazid, whatever you have done proves your revolt against Allah and your denial of His Prophet [s.a.w.] and of the Book and Sunnah that the Holy Prophet [s.a.w.] brought from Allah. Your deeds should not cause amazement because one whose ancestors chewed the livers of the martyrs, whose flesh grew up on virtuous people, who fought against the Chief of divine prophets, who mobilised parties for fighting against him and drew swords against him, should conspicuously excel all Arabs in unbelief, sinfulness, excesses, and enmity against Allah and His Prophet [s.a.w.]."

"Remember that the evil deeds and sinful actions that you have committed are the result of unbelief and old rancour you bear because of your ancestors who were killed in Badr."

"One who cast his glance of enmity, malice and rancour upon us does not lag behind in practising enmity against us. He proves his unbelief, declares it with his tongue and jubilantly proclaims: 'I have killed the sons of the Prophet [s.a.w.] of Allah and made his progeny captive,' and wishes that his ancestors had lived to see his achievement and to have exclaimed, 'O Yazid, may your hands not lose their strength, you have wreaked good vengeance on our behalf.'"

"O Yazid, you are striking the lips of Imam Husayn with your stick in front of this crowd while these very lips used to be kissed by the Prophet [s.a.w.] of Allah, and yet your face reflects pleasure and happiness." "By my life, by killing the chief of youths of Paradise, the son of the chief of Arabs (Ali [a.s.]) and the shining sun of the progeny of Abd ul-Muttalib, you have deepened our wound and uprooted us completely."

"By killing Hussain ibn Ali [a.s.] you have gained nearness to the state of your unbelieving ancestors. You proclaim your deed with pride and if they were to see you they would approve of your action and pray that Allah may not paralyse your arms."

"O Yazid! If you had heart enough to take account of your nefarious deeds, you yourself would surely wish your arms to be paralysed and severed from your elbow and you would wish that your parents had not given birth to you because you would know that Allah has become displeased with you. Allah, Grant us our rights. Avenge those who have oppressed us."

"O Yazid! you did what you wished, but remember that you have cut your own skin and your own flesh to pieces. Soon you will be brought before the Holy Prophet. You will be overburdened with the weight of your sins committed by shedding the blood of his progeny and by dishonouring his family. The place to which you will be taken will be before all the members of his family. The oppressed will be avenged and the enemies will be punished."

"O Yazid ! It is not seeming for you to swell with joy after slaying the Prophet's progeny. 'Reckon not those who are killed in Allah's way as dead; nay, they are alive and are provided sustenance from their Lord; rejoicing in what Allah has given them out of His grace' [3:169-170]."

"Allah is sufficient to deal with you. The Messenger of Allah is your antagonist and Hadrat Jibra'il is our support and help against you."

"Those who have made you the head of state and burdened the Muslims with your leadership will soon find out what awaits them. The end of all tyrants is agony."

"O Yazid. I speak not to you thus to warn you of the severe chastisement in store for you so that you should be regretful for you are one of those whose hearts are hardened, souls are rebellious and whose bodies are busy in Allah's disobedience while they are under the curse of the Prophet of Allah. You are from among those in whose heart Shaytan has made his abode and has been breeding young ones."

"How amazing it is that the virtuous people, sons of the divine prophets and vicegerents are killed at the hands of liberated slaves, evil-doers and sinners. Our blood is shed by their hands and our flesh serves as food for them. We feel grieved for those whose bodies are lying unshrouded and unburied in the battlefield, wounded with arrows."

"O Yazid, if you consider our defeat as your achievement then you will have to pay its price."

"Allah commits not injustice to His servants. Our reliance is on Allah. He alone is our Relief and place of Protection, and in Him alone do we repose our hope."

"You may contrive and try however much you can. By Him who honoured us with revelation, the Book and Prophethood, you cannot achieve our status, nor reach our position, nor can you effect our mention, nor remove from yourself that shame and dishonour that is now your lot because of perpetrating excess and oppression on us. Your word now is weak and your days are counted. Beware of the day when the announcer would announce the curse of Allah on the oppressors and the unjust."

"Praise be to Allah who gave good end to His friends and granted them success in their aims, and thereafter called them back to His Mercy, Pleasure and Bliss, while you hurled yourself into evil and mischief by committing injustice against them. We pray to Allah to favour us with full recompense through them and grant us the good of Khilafat and Imamat. Surely Allah is Kind and the Most Merciful over His creatures." Among the gathering was a red haired Syrian who saw Fatima Kubra, daughter of Imam Husayn and asked Yazid to give her to him. When the girl heard this she clung to Zaynab [a.s.] and started to weep.

She feared that now after the loss of her father she was to be made a slave girl. Zaynab [a.s.] was not afraid. She turned to Yazid and told him that he had neither right nor authority to give the young girl away like that, at which he bristled, retorting that he could do so. Zaynab [a.s.] riposted,

"You are abusing me because of your authority and power." At this Yazid was shamed into silence.

To the Syrian she said: "My the curse of Allah be upon you. May hell be your eternal abode. May your eyes be blinded and your limbs paralysed." Immediately paralysis gripped the man and he fell to the ground dead.

Yazid was so enraged with Zaynab bold defiance of his authority that he might have ordered her killed had not Abdullah ibn Umar ibn Aas intervened and begged that no notice be taken of her harsh words since she had suffered much grief and hardship and was broken-hearted.

Imam Zayn ul-Abidin [a.s.] would also have suffered death at the hands of Yazid on account of his fearless speech, had not Zaynab [a.s.] saved his life by begging Yazid to slay her also along with the boy. Yazid was moved by her love for the boy and spared his life. But death nevertheless took its toll. Sakina, daughter of Imam Husayn, died in captivity in Damascus at the age of four and was buried there.

Through Zaynab's bold and fearless speeches and from the word that spread as a result of their journey, people came to know of the events of Karbala and their hearts were stirred. The continued captivity and humiliation of the family of the Prophet of Allah was bringing their cause to the attention of an ever increasing number of people. Word came to Yazid that there was turmoil and unrest in the realm and he decided to release the captives. When it seemed to him that the Ahl ul-Bayt had been adequately humiliated, and upon the urgings of certain people who were alert to the public's growing dissension upon learning the truth, Yazid sent for Imam Zayn ul-Abidin [a.s.].

He informed him of his impending release and asked if he wished for anything. The youth said he would have to consult his aunt Zaynab [a.s.]. Arrangements were made and she arrived, properly veiled. She asked,

"O Yazid, since the day our leader and our chief Husayn was butchered we have not had any opportunity to mourn for him."

A large house was therefore provided for them in the residential sector of Damascus and here Zaynab [a.s.] held her first gathering for the mourning and remembrance (majlis-e-aza) of Imam Husayn. The women of the Quraysh and Bani Hashim arrived clad in black, with their heads uncovered, weeping wretchedly. Imam Zayn ul-Abidin [a.s.] sat on the carpet of Imam Husayn and then Zaynab [a.s.] told the women of Syria what had befallen them. They shed tears and mourned. They had not known about the events of Karbala and Kufa, but when they went home they told their menfolk.

Gradually illusions of Yazid's good intentions were dispelled. It was fear of revolt that caused Yazid to release the members of the family of the Holy Prophet [s.a.w.].
abstracts from the book:" The Victory of Truth: The Life of Zaynab bint 'Ali ".
entirely for easy reading and no commercial purpose.

What is Ashoura

In the month of Muharram 61 AH (approx. 20 October 680 AD), an event took place in Iraq at a place known as Kerbala on the bank of the river Euphrates. It seemed in those days insignificant from the historical point of view. A large army which had been mobilised by the Umayyad regime besieged a group of persons numbering less than a hundred and put them under pressure to pay allegiance to the Caliph of the time and submit to his authority. The small group resisted and a severe battle took place in which they were all killed.It appeared at that time that like hundreds of similar events, this battle would be recorded in history and forgotten in time. However, the events that occurred on the 10th day of Muharram in Kerbala were to become a beacon and an inspiration for future generations. In this article, we shall examine briefly the principal adversaries.

Who is Hussain?

The leader of the small band of men who were martyred in Kerbala was none other than Husain (A), son of Ali bin Abi Talib (A) and grandson of the Holy Prophet (S). Who was Husain? He was the son of Fatima (A) for whom the Holy Prophet (S) said, "Husain is from me and I am from Husain. May God love whoever loves Husain." [1]With the passing away of his brother Hasan(A) in 50 AH, Husain (A) became the leader of the household of the Holy Prophet (S). He respected the agreement of peace signed by Hasan (A) and Muawiya, and, despite the urging of his followers, he did not undertake any activity that threatened the political status quo. Rather he continued with the responsibility of looking after the religious needs of the people and was recognised for his knowledge, piety and generosity. An example of the depth of his perception can be seen in his beautiful du'a on the day of Arafat, wherein he begins by explaining the qualities of Allah, saying:" (Oh Allah) How could an argument be given about Your Existence by a being whose total and complete existence is in need of you? When did you ever disappear so that you might need an evidence and logic to lead (the people) towards You? And when did You ever become away and distant so that your signs and effects made the people get in touch with you? Blind be the eye which does not see You (whereas) You are observing him. What did the one who missed You find? And what does the one who finds You lack? Certainly, the one who got pleased and inclined toward other than You, came to nothingness (failed)."On the other hand, we have Yazid, whose father (Muawiya) and grandfather (Abu Sufyan - the arch-enemy of the Prophet) had always tried to sabotage the mission of the Holy Prophet, and who showed his true colour by stating in a poem, "Bani Hashim had staged a play to obtain kingdom, there was neither any news from God nor any revelation." [2]Mas'udi writes that Yazid was a pleasure-seeking person, given to wine drinking and playing with pets. It is no wonder that Husain's response to Yazid's governor, when asked to pay allegiance to Yazid was, "We are the household of the prophethood, the source of messengership, the descending-place of the angels, through us Allah had began (showering His favours) and with us He has perfected (His favours), whereas Yazid is a sinful person, a drunkard, the killer of innocent people and one who openly indulges in sinful acts. A person like me can never pledge allegiance to a person like him ..." [3]The revolution of Husain (A) was an Islamic movement spearheaded by one of the great leaders of Islam. The principles and laws of Islam demanded that Husain (A) act to warn the Ummah of the evil situation which it was in, and to stand in the way of the deviating ruler. As Husain (A) himself remarked when he left Madina for the last time, "I am not rising (against Yazid) as an insolent or an arrogant person, or a mischief-monger or tyrant. I have risen (against Yazid) as I seek to reform the Ummah of my grandfather. I wish to bid the good and forbid the evil." [4]Hussain (A) was killed on the battlefield as he did Sajdah. His head was removed from his body on the plains of Kerbala, mounted on a spear, and paraded through villages and towns as it was taken to Damascus and presented at the feet of Yazid.

Why remember Ashura?

Why is Husain (A) regarded as the "leader of the martyrs" ? It is because he was not just the victim of an ambitious ruler. There is no doubt that the tragedy of Kerbala, when ascribed to the killers, is a criminal and terrible act. However when ascribed to Husain (A) himself, it represents a conscious confrontation and a courageous resistance for a sacred cause. The whole nation had failed to stand up to Yazid. They had succumbed to his will, and deviation and regression towards the pre-Islamic ways were increasing.Passiveness by Husain (A) in this situation would have meant the end of Islam as we know it. Thus Husain (A) took upon himself the responsibility of the whole nation. The greatest tragedy was that one who stood up for the noblest of causes, the defence of Islam, was cut down in so cruel a manner.It is for this reason that the sacrifice of Husain (A) is commemorated annually throughout the Muslim world. Our sorrow never abates as we relive the tragedy. As Allama Iqbal says in his Baqiyat (in Urdu):Ronay wala hoon Shaheed-e-Kerbala key gham men main,Kya durey maqsad na dengey Saqiye Kausar mujheyI am one who weeps at the plight of the Martyr of KerbalaWon't the reward be given to me by the Keeper of Kauser (Imam Ali (A))The commemoration of Ashura on the 10th of Muharram every year serves to remind us of the sacrifices of the family of the Prophet (S). It also makes us aware of the people, then and now, who tried to destroy Islam and the family of the Prophet (S) and all that they stood for - as well as those who watched, listened and did nothing.


[1] Ibn Majah: Sunan, Hadith 144.[2] Ibn Jarir: Tarikhu'l Umam wa'l Muluk, vol.13, p.2174.[3] Sayyid ibn Ta'us: Maqtalu'l Husain, pp.10-11[4] Al-Khatid al-Khuwarazmi: Maqtalu'l Husain ,vol.1, p.88.

with thanks from:

Marsia: Mir Anis

Jab qata ki masafat e shab aaftaab ne

Jalwa kiya sahar ke rukhe behijaab ne

Dekha suwe falaq Shahe gardoon raqaab ne

Mudh kar sada rafeeqo ko di us janaab ne

Aakhir hai raat hamd o sanaye Khuda karo

Utho fareezaye sahri ko ada karo

Haan ghaaziyon ye din hai jidaal o qitaal ka

Yaan khoon bahega aaj Mohammad ki aal ka

Chehra khushi se surkh hai Zahra ke laal ka

Guzri shabe firaaq din aaya visaal ka

Hum wo hain gham karenge malak jin ke waastey

Raatein tadap ke kaati hai is din ke waastey

Ye sunke bistaron se uthe wo Khuda shinaas

Ek ek ne zebe jism kiya fakhira libaas

Shane muhasino mein kiye sab ne be hiraas

Baandhe amame aaye imame zaman ke paas

Rangeen abaayein dosh pe kamre kasey huwe

Muskh o zibaad o itr mein kapde basey huwe

Khaime se nikle Shah ke azizaane khush khisaal

Jin mein kayi thyy Hazrate Khairun nisa ke laal

Qasim sa gul badan Ali Akbar sa khush jamaal

Ek jaa Aqeel o Muslim o Jafar ke nau nihaal

Sab ke rukhon ka noor sipahre bareen pa tha

Athara aaftaabon ka ghuncha zameen pa tha

Nagaah charkh par khate abyaz huwa ayaan

Tashreef jaanemaaz pe laaye Shahe zamaan

Sajjade bich gaye aqabe Shahe ins o jaan

Saute Hasan se Akbar e Mahrooh ne di azaan

Har ek ki chashm aansuon se dab daba gayi

Goya sada Rasool ki kaano mein aagayi

Namoose Shaah rotey thay khaime mein zaar zaar

Chupke khadi thi sahn mein bano e naamdaar

Zainab balayein leke ye kahti thi baar baar

Sadqe namazion ke muazzin ke main nisaar

Karte hain yun sana o sifat Zul Jalaal ki

Logon azaan suno meri yousuf jamaal ki

Ye husn e saut aur ye qirat ye shad o madd

Haqqa ke afsahul fusuha thay inhi ke jadd

Goya hai lahn e Hazrat e Dawoode ba khirad

Ya Rab rakh is sada ko zamane mein taa abad

Shu’be sada mein pankhdiyan jaise phool mein

Bul bul chahak raha hai riyaaz e Rasool mein

Saf mein huwa jo naraye qad qaamatis salaat

Qaim huwi namaaz uthey Shahe qainaat

Wo noor ki safein wo musalli falak sifaat

Sardaar ke qadam ke taley thi rahe nijaat

Jalwa tha ta ba arshe mu’alla Hussain ka

Mus haf ki lauh thi ke musalla Hussain ka

Quran khula hua ke jama’at ki thi namaaz

Bismillah aagey jaise ho yun thay Shahe hijaaz

Satrein thi ya safein aqab e Shahe sarfaraaz

Karti thi khud namaaz bhi inki adaa pe naaz

Sadqe sahar bayaaz pe bainas sutoor ki

Sab aayatein thi mus hafe naatikh ki noor ki

Dunya se uth gaya wo qayaam aur wo qaood

Inke liye thi bandagi wajibul wujood

Wo ajz wo taweel ruku aur wo sujood

Ta’at mein neest jaantey thay apni hast o bood

Taqat na chalne phirne ki thi haath paon mein

Gir gir ke sajde karte thay taghoon ki chaon mein

Farigh huwe namaaz se jab qibla o anaam

Aaye musafahe ko jawaanan e tashnakaam

Chume kise ne dast e Shahinshaah e khaas o aam

Aakhein miley kisi ne qadam par ba ehteraam

Kya dil they kya sipaah e rasheed o sayeed thi

Ba ham mu’anaqe they ke marne ki eid thi

Zaari thi ilteja thi munajaat thi

idhar Waan sar kashi o zulm o ta’addi o shor o shar

Kahta tha ibne saad ye jaa jaa ke nahr par

Ghatoon se hoshiyaar tarayi se ba khabar

Do roz se hai tashna dahani Hussain ko

Haan martey dam bhi deejiyo na pani Hussain ko

Baithey thay jaanemaaz pe Shahe falak sareer

Nagaah qareeb aake girey teen chaar teer

Dekha har ek ne mudhke suwe lashkar e kaseer

Abbas uthey tol ke shamsheer be nazeer

Parwane they siraaj e imamat ke noor par

Rokey sipar huzoor karamat zahoor par

Akbar se mudhke kahne lage Sarware zamaan

Baandhe hai sarkashi pa kamar lashkare giraan

Tum jaake kahdo khaime mein ye ay pidar ki jaan

Bachon ko leke sahn se hat jaaye bibiyaan

Ghaflat mein teer se koi bacha talaf na ho

Dar hai mujhe ke gardane Asghar hadaf na ho

Kahte they ye pisar se Shahe aasmaan sareer

Fizza pukari deodhi se ay khalq ke ameer

Hai hai Ali ki betiyaan kis jaa ho goshgeer

Asghar ke gahware tak aakar girey hain teer

Garmi se saari raat ye ghut ghut ke roye hain

Bachey abhi tou sard hawa paake soye hain

Baqir kahin pada hai Sakina kahin hai ghash

Garmi ki fasl ye tab o taab aur ye atash

Ro ro ke sogaye hain sagheerane maahwash

Bachon ko leke yaan se kahan jaaye faqa kash

Ye kis khata pe teer piya pe barastey hain

Thandi hawa ke waastey bachhey taraste hain

Uthey ye shor sunke Imame falaq viqaar

Deodhi tak aaye dhalon ko roke rafiq o yaar

Farmaya mudhke chaltey hain ab bahre kaarzaar

Kamre kasoo jihaad pe mangwao raahwaar

Dekhein fizaa behisht ki dil baagh baagh ho

Ummat ke kaam se kahin jaldi firaagh ho

Khaime mein jaake Shay ne ye dekha haram ka haal

Chahre tou faqq hai aur…

Zainab ki ye dua thi ke ay Rabbe Zuljalaal

Bach jaaye is fasaad se khairun nisa ka laal

Bano e naik naam ki kheti hari rahey

Sandal se maang bachon se godhi bhari rahey

Boley qareeb jaake Shahe aasmaan janaab

Muztar na ho dua’en hain tum sab ki mustajaab

Maghroor hain khata pe ye sab khanuma kharaab

Khud jaake mein dikhata hoon inko rahe sawaab

Mauqa nahi bahan abhi faryaad o aah ka

Laao tabarrukaat Risaalat panaah ka

Meraaj mei Rasool ne pahna tha jo libaas

Kashti mein laayi Zainab usey Shahe deen ke paas

Sar par rakha amamae Sardare haq shinaas

Pahni qaba e paak Rasoole falaq asaas

Bar mei durust o chust tha jama Rasool ka

Rumaal Fatima ka amama Rasool ka

Kapdoon se aa rahi thi Rasoole zaman ki bu

Dulha ne sunghi hogi na aisi dulhan ki bu

Hyder ki Fatima ki Hussain o Hasan ki bu

Phaili hui thi chaar taraf Panjetan ki bu

Lut ta tha itr waadi ambar sarisht mein

Gul jhumtey thay baagh mein Rizwaan behisht mein

Poshaak sab pahan chukey jis dam Shahe zaman

Lekar balaein bhai ki ronay lagi bahan

Kehti thi hai aaj nahi Hyder o Hasan

Amma kahan se laye tumhe ab ye be watan

Rukhsat hai ab Rasool ke yusuf jamaal ki

Sadqe gayi balein lo apne laal ki

Hathyaar idhar laga chuke Moula e khaas o aam

Tayyar udhar huwa alam e Sayyide anaam

Duaein maangti gird thi saidanian tamaam

Roti thi thaame chobe alam khwahare imaam

Teghein kamar mei dosh pe shamley padey huwe

Zainab ke laal zere alam aa khade huwe

Gah maa ko dekhte thay kabhi jaanibe alam

Na’ra kabhi ye tha ke nisaar e Shahe umam

Karte thay dono bhai kabhi mashware baham

Aahista poochtey kabhi ma se wo zee hasham

Kya qasd hai Ali e wali ke nishaan ka

Amma kise milega alam nana jaan ka

In nanhe nanhe haathon se uthega ye alam

Chotey qadoon mein sabse sinoo mein sabho se kam

Nikle tanoo se sibte Nabi ke qadam pe dam

Ohda yahi hai bas yahi mansab yahi hasham

Rukhsat talab agar ho to ye mera kaam hai

Maa sadqe jaaye aaj tou marne mein naam hai

Phir tum ko kya buzurg they jo fakhre roz gaar

Zeba nahi hai wasf e izafi pe iftekhaar

Johar wo hai jo taegh karey aap aashkaar

Dikhlado aaj Hyder o Jafar ki kaarzaar

Tum kyon kaho ke laal Khuda ke wali ke hain

Faujein pukare khud ke nawase Ali ke hain

Ab jisko tum kaho usey dein fouj ka alam

Ki arz jo salaah Shahe aasmaan hasham

Farmaya jabse uth gayi Zahra e ba karam

Us din se tumko maa ki jagah jaantey hain hum

Malik ho tum buzurg koi ho ke khurd ho

Jisko kaho usi ko ye ohda sipard ho

Boli bahan ke aap bhi tou lein kisi ka naam

Hai kis taraf tawajjo e Sardar o khaas o aam

Gar mujhse poochtay hain Shahe aasmaan

maqaam Quran ke baad hai tou Ali hi ka kuch kalaam

Shaukat mein qad mein shaan mein humsar nahi koi

Abbas e naamdaar se behtar nahi koi

Aashiq ghulaam khadim e dereena jaan nisaar

Farzand bhai zeenate pehlu wafa shi’aar

Jarrar yaadgaar e pidar fakhre rozgaar

Rahat rasaa mutee o namudaar o naamdaar

Safdar hai sher dil hai bahadur hai naik hai

Bemisl saekdon mein hazaroon mein aik hai

Aakhon mein ashk bhar ke ye boley Shahe zaman

Haan thi yahi Ali ki wasiat bhi ay bahan

Acha bulayein aap kidhar hai wo saff shikan

Akbar chacha ke paas gaye sunke ye sukhan

Ki arz intezaar hai Shahe ghayoor ko

phuphi ne yaad kiya hai huzoor ko

Abbas aaye haathon ko jodhe huzoor e Shaah

Jao bahan ke paas ye bola wo deen panaah

Zainab wahin alam liye aayi ba izzo jaah

Boley nishaan ko leke Shahe arsh baargaah

Inki khushi wo hai jo riza Panjetan ki hai

Lo bhai lo alam ye inayat bahan ki hai

Munh karke soo e qabre Ali phir kiya khitaab

Zarre ko aaj kardiya Moula ne aaftaab

Ye arz khaaksaar ki hai Ya Abu Turaab

Aaqa ke aagey hoon mein shadath se bahre yaab

Sar tan se ibne Fatima ke ru baru girey

Shabbir ke paseene pe mera lahu girey

Ye sunke aai zauja e Abbas e naamwar

Shohar ki simt pehle kinkhiyoon se ki nazar

Lee sibte Mustafa ki balayein ba chashme tar

Zainab ke gird phirke ye boli wo nauhagar

Faiz aap ka hai aur tasadduq Imaam ka

Izzat badi kaneez ki rutba ghulaam ka

Sar ko laga ke chathi se Zainab ne ye kaha

Tu apni maang kookh se thandi rakhe sada

Ki arz mujhse laakh kaneezein hon to fida

Bano e naamwar ko suhaagan rakhe Khuda

Bachhe jiye taraqqiy e iqbal o jaah ho

Saaye mein aap ke Ali Akbar ka byaah ho

Naagaah aakey bali Sakina ne ye kaha

Kaisa hai ye hujoom kidhar hai mere chacha

Ohda alam ka unko mubarak karey Khuda

Logon mujhe balaein to lene do ek zara

Shaukat Khuda badhaye mere ammu jaan ki

Mein bhi tou dekhoon shaan Ali ke nishaan ki

Abbas muskura ke pukarey ka aao aao

Ammu nisaar pyaas se kya haal hai batao

Boli lipat ke wo ke meri mashq lete jaao

Ab tou alam mila tumhein pani mujhe pilaao

Tohfa na koi deejiye na in’aam deejiye

Qurbaan jaaon pani ka ek jaam deejiye

Nagaah badhey alam liye Abbas e ba wafa

Daude sab ahle bait khule sar barehna pa

Hazrat ne haath utha ke ye ek eik se kaha

Lo Alwida ay haram e paak e Mustafa

Subhe shab e firaaq hai pyaaron ko dekh lo

Sab mil ki doobte huwe taaron ko dekh lo

Shah ke qadam pe Zainab e zaar o hazeen giri

Bano pachaad kha ke pisar ke kareen giri

Kulsoom thar thara ke baruhe zameen giri

Baqir kahin gira tou Sakina kaheen giri

Ujda chaman har ek gul taza nikal gaya

Nikla alam ke ghar se janaza nikal gaya

Nagaah udhar se teer chale janibe Imaam

Ghoda bada ke aap ne hujjat bhi ki tamaam

Nikle idhar se Shay ke rafiqaan e tashnakaam

Be sar huwe paroon mein saraan e sipaah e shaam

Bhala kabhi thi taegh kabhi zer e tang thi

Ek ek ki jang maalik e ashtar ki jang thi

Allah re Ali ke nawasoon ki kaarzaar

Dono ke nichey thay ke chalti thi zulfiqaar

Shana kata kisi ne jo roka sipar pe waar

Ginti thi zakhmiyoon ki na kishtoon ka tha shumaar

Utney sawaar qatl kiye thodi daer mein

Dono ke ghodey chup gaye laasho ke dhaer mein

Kis husn se Hasan ka jawane haseen lada

Ghir ghir ke surate asad e khushmgeen

din ki bhook pyaas mein wo mahjabeen lada

Sahra ulat ke yoon koi dulha nahi lada

Hamle dikha diye asad e kirdgaar ke

Maqtal mein sooye arzak e shaami ko maar ke

Chamki jo tegh Hazrate Abbas e arsh jaah

Roohul ameen pukarey ke Allah ki panaah

Dhaalon mein chup gaya pisar e saad ru siyaah

Kushtoon se band ho gayi aman o amaan ki raah

Jhapta jo sher shoakh mein darya ki saer ke

Le li tarayi taeghon ki moujoon ko phaer ke

Be sar huwe muwakkil e sar chashma e furaat

Hal chal mein misl e mouj safon ko na tha sabaat

Darya mein girke fout huwe kitne bad sifaat

Goya habaab hogaye thay nuqta e hayaat

Abbas bhar ke mashk ko yoon tashnalab laday

Jis tarah naharwaan mein ameer e arab laday

Aafat thi harb o zarb e Ali Akbar e diler

Ghusse mein jhapte ser pe jaise garsina sher

Sab sar buland past zabardast sab thay zer

Jangal mein chaar simpt huwe zakhmiyoon ke dher

Siraan ke utre tan se jo thay rann chadhey huwe

Abbas se bhi jang mein kuch thay badhey huwe

Talwarein barsi subh se nusfun nihaar tak

Hilti rahi zameen laraztey rahey falak

Kaampa kiye paroon ko simte huwe malak

Na’rey na phir wo thay na wo taeghon ki thi chamak

Dhaalon ka daur barchiyoon ka auj ho gaya

Hangaam e zuhr khatema e fauj ho gaya

Lashe sabho ke sibte Nabi khud uthake laye

Qatil kisi shaheed ka sar kaatne na paye

Dushman ko bhi na dost ki furqat Khuda dikhaye

Farmatey thay bichad gaye sab hum se hai

pahaad gir padey jis par wo kham na ho

Gar sou baras jiyoon tou ye majma baham na ho

Kham ho gaye ye daagh uthake Imame deen

kar bana hilaal e Nabi ka mahe jabeen

Yoon dard mein tadap ke kiya nalaye hazeen

Hilne lage pahaad larazne lagi zameen

Aayi jigar ko taab na is waaredaat ki

Khushki mein lagi doobne kashti hayaat ki

Jab saff kashi ki dhoom huwi qatl gaah mein

Tasweer e marg phir gayi sab ki nigaah mein

Doobe rafiq e yusuf e deen haq ki chaah mein

Daftar khula ajal ka Hussaini sipaah mein

Jaanbaaziyaan dikhake jari naam kar gaye

Khaake shifa pa noor ke daane bikhar gaye