The Final Call: Letter to the people of Basra by Imam Hussain (a.s)

“Allah certainly, chose Mohammad (saw) from among His creatures, honored Him with his prophet hood, and chose him for His message. Then He took his life, raising him to His nearness, after he had advised His servants and preached what he was entrusted. We were his family, his pious men, his trustees, his inheritors and the most entitled among people to inherit his status. The people monopolized that to themselves and we assented, disagreeing to discussion, and chose patience. We know that we are more entitled to that legitimate right than those who seized it. I am calling you to the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of His Prophet. For certainly, the Sunnah was weakened and innovation was revived. Should you listen to what I tell you, you will be guided to the righteous path?”

posted by: zaigham murtaza

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